Naturalization and Citizenship Services
Naturalization is the process of becoming a United States citizen. Certain requirements must be fulfilled in order to be eligible for naturalization. Schedule a consultation with me and I will determine your best options. We can work on your case virtually.
Citizenship Eligibility
There are a number of ways in which you might qualify for naturalization. You might have been a lawful permanent resident (green card holder) for a specific amount of time, you might have served in the military or other possibilities. Read more requirements below.
You must also demonstrate that you have been a person of “good moral character” for the past five years. This includes demonstrating that you do not owe any taxes, child support or alimony. You may be ineligible for naturalization if you have committed certain crimes after obtaining permanent residency, or your “green card.”
After applying for naturalization you will have an interview with a USCIS officer in the office closest to where you live. At the interview, the officer will review your application and test your knowledge of United States civics. There are 100 questions that the officer may ask you, but at the interview you will only be asked 10 questions and you must answer 6 of those correctly. If you fail this part of the interview, you are typically allowed one more attempt before your have to re-apply. Don’t worry, though, there are many resources to help you prepare for this exam!
The interview will be conducted in English unless you qualify for an exception to the English language portion of the process. This exception is available to permanent residents who have had their permanent residency or “green card” for 20 years or more and you are 50 years old or older. Another exception is for applicants 55 years or older who have been permanent residents for 15 years or more. These applicants must still take the civics exam, but it can be taken in their native language.
Our practice helps individuals and families seeking naturalization and citizenship. It has become increasingly important to have an immigration attorney at your side. We provide representation for all of Concord, Antioch, Richmond, Pittsburg, the Bay Area and beyond. If you would like to speak with us about your case, please call (415) 527-5886 right now.